摘要:"After impoundent of the Three Gorges Reservoir, a large permanent sample plot was placed in its water-level-fluctuation zone beside Baijia Stream, Kaixian County, China. Vegetation in the plot was investigated in the summer of 2008,2009 and 2010. The result indicated that community’ s component, biodiversity and aboveground biomass showed obvious spatial-temporal dynamics. Total spiecies number of vascular flora inside decreased yearly, from 52 species in 2008 to 41 species in 2009 and to 35 species in 2010. The area below 156 m in elevation was dominated by Paspalum paspaloides and Xanthium sibiricum in 2008. However, Paspalum paspaloides was rapid replaced by Cynodon dactylo in 2009 and X. sibiricum expanded its distribution in upper area of the plot. In 2010, X. sibiricum depressed its population in lower areas of the plot as the Three Gorges Reservoir started to impound half month earlier in the winter of 2009 and decreased seed bank for its germination. Shannon-Wiener Index increased as elevation according to the data of 2009 and 2010, which reflected the influ-ence of submerged gradient. Aboveground biomass of vegetation in each elevation zone of the plot indicated great variation.Key words: Three Gorges Reservoir; water-level-fluctuation zone; vegetation; spatial-temporal dynamics; biodiversity"