




Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Fish in Hechuan Section of the Qujiang River Based on Hydroacoustic Method

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    评估渠江合川段鱼类资源时空分布特征,为该江段渔业资源管理和保护提供基础数据和科学依据。于2019年4月(春季)和2019年10月(秋季)使用Simrad EY60型回声探测仪对渠江合川段进行水声学探测调查。调查结果显示:渠江合川段鱼类时空分布不均匀,在研究期间大部分水平或垂直区域的鱼类平均密度呈减小趋势。渠江合川段鱼类水平分布不均匀,春季右岸鱼类平均密度最大、左岸鱼类平均密度次之、中心鱼类平均密度最小,秋季左岸鱼类平均密度最大、右岸鱼类平均密度次之、中心鱼类平均密度最小;该江段鱼类垂直分布也不均匀,春季下层鱼类平均密度最大、中层鱼类平均密度次之、上层鱼类平均密度最小,秋季中层鱼类平均密度最大、下层鱼类平均密度次之、上层鱼类平均密度最小。在春季,渠江合川段鱼类体长范围为394~6237 cm,平均体长为1567 cm,占比最高体长为394 cm;在秋季,该江段鱼类体长范围与平均体长与在春季时相同,占比最高体长为556和699 cm。渠江合川段春、秋季鱼类平均体质量均为2001 g,在春季占比最高体质量分别为032 g,在秋季占比最高体质量分别为089和178 g。调查结果提示渠江合川段鱼类生物量分布不均匀,鱼类主要集中分布在鱼类潜在的产卵场或索饵场,在未来的区域渔业资源管理中应对此特别关注,流域内的生态环境监管和保护工作应进一步加强。


    To assess the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of fish resources and the amount of existing resources in Hechuan Section of the Qujiang River, and to provide certain data support and scientific basis for the management and protection of fishery resources in this Section of the Qujiang River. Simrad EY60 echosounder was used to investigate the hydroacoustic detection in Hechuan Section of the Qujiang River in April 2019 (Spring) and October 2019 (Autumn). The results of the study showed that the spatial and temporal distribution of fish was uneven, with mean densities of fish tended to decrease in most horizontal or vertical areas during the study period. The horizontal distribution of fish in the Hechuan section of the Qiujiang River was uneven, the average density of fish in spring was: right bank of the river > left bank of the river > center of the river, and the average density of fish in Autumn was: left bank of the river > right bank of the river > center of the river. The vertical distribution of fish was uneven, with fish densities in spring: lower layer > middle layer > upper layer, and in Autumn: middle layer > lower layer > upper layer. Fish body lengths ranged from 394 to 6237 cm in Spring, with an average length of 1567 cm, and the fish that accounted for the largest proportion of body lengths were 394 cm. In Autumn, the body lengths of fish in the section were the same as in spring, and the fish that accounted for the largest proportion of body lengths were 556 cm and 699 cm. The average body mass of fish in the spring and autumn of Hechuan section of the Qiujiang River was 2001 g, with the highest proportion of body mass in the spring being 032 g, and the highest proportion in the autumn being 089 and 178 g. The results of the survey suggest that the distribution of fish biomass in the Hechuan section of the Qiujiang River is uneven, and that fish are mainly concentrated in potential spawning or baiting grounds for fish, which should be paid special attention to in the future management of regional fisheries resources, and that ecological regulation and protection in the basin should be further strengthened.



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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-09-20